
93 – How eInvoicing Will Benefit Your Business

August 16, 2022

You may have heard that Australia is adopting eInvoicing, a new standard and network to help businesses with their invoicing needs. Larissa Walker, the ATO’s eInvoicing Business Adoption Lead, joins us to raise awareness of eInvoicing and to share information on the many benefits to businesses. When we’re talking about eInvoicing, this isn’t just the […]

92 – Getting Started with Automation

August 11, 2022

Following on from our episode on the benefits of automation, Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) takes a closer look at how you can get started using automations. First of all, it’s important to decide what would benefit from automation. Some of the key things to look for in tasks are as follows: Is it a repetitive […]

91 – Why You Should Automate Your Business Processes

August 03, 2022

Are you feeling time-poor in your business? Maybe you’re looking for ways to free up time in your busy days? Automation is the key! Learn how some simple strategies and tools can help you make better use of your time.  Your business will be more productive and efficient. Some of these time-saving strategies include: Develop […]

90 – Getting Your Start-Up Investment Ready

July 26, 2022

Are you ready to grow your start-up but not sure how to attract funding? It is important to have your business ready before you try to gain investors. Roshan Sidhu from Frank Law looks at some important things you need to do to make your business investment ready: Make sure your business structure, documentation and processes are […]

89 – Jiwa: How an ERP can help your business

July 19, 2022

Do you struggle to forecast the right amount of stock to order? Are your manual systems and processes letting you down? Find out how ERP (enterprise resource planning) software, like Jiwa, can help your business be successful. It combines inventory management, accounting and other tools in one complete package. Getting the right business tools can […]

88 – Maus: Tools to Accelerate Your Business Growth

July 13, 2022

Do you have trouble keeping track of what is going on in your business? Does the idea of business planning leave you feeling overwhelmed? Are you ready to grow your business, but not sure where to start? If any of this sounds familiar, maybe you need an ‘all-in-one’ business tool! Chris Palmer, from Maus Software, […]

87 – Take Control of Your Inventory with Unleashed

July 13, 2022

Do you have a business that buys and sells products? Or do you manufacture products to sell? Or, maybe you are looking at starting a business that will have stock? If your business has inventory, then you need a tool to help you manage your stock and grow your business. If you don’t already have […]

86 – How Knowledge Can Give You a Competitive Advantage

June 28, 2022

What can you do to gain a competitive advantage over other businesses? Raj Nathoo from Keystone Active Learning  discusses how business owners can use the knowledge within their business to its greatest capacity. Some important points that Raj discusses include the following: Identify training needs within your organisation Offer staff training – this helps keep […]

85 – Traps to Avoid this End of Financial Year

June 21, 2022

What traps do you need to avoid this end of financial year? What is the simple strategy behind tax planning? End of Financial Year (EOFY) activities should include, but not be limited to taxation planning. There are some traps that every business owner should avoid at this time of year. So what do you need […]

84 – Intellectual Property: What are your first steps when starting a business?

June 14, 2022

Intellectual property (IP) is frequently overlooked by businesses. But by looking at your IP issues early, when you are setting up your business, you are both protecting your business, as well as adding value to it. André Meyer, founder of Meyer West IP, joins us to take a closer look at intellectual property and the […]

83 – Why Every Business Needs an Exit Strategy

June 07, 2022

So you have just started your business –  why would you want to look at exit planning? Well, the more you focus on having a great exit plan, the more profitable and successful your business will be.  A good business plan is a long-term plan, with both a start and a finish. By planning your […]

82 – Scaling Your Start-Up for Success

May 31, 2022

What’s the difference between a ‘start-up’ and ‘starting a business’?  A start-up is all about scale, it’s about creating a business that is built to grow quickly. We are joined by Meryl Johnston from Bean Ninjas. Meryl looks at start-ups and ways you can scale your business. She also looks at supports for businesses such […]

90 – Getting Your Start-Up Investment Ready

Are you ready to grow your start-up but not sure how to attract funding? It is important to have your business ready before you try to gain investors. Roshan Sidhu from Frank Law looks at some important things you need to do to make your business investment ready: Make sure your business structure, documentation and processes are […]

91 – Why You Should Automate Your Business Processes

Are you feeling time-poor in your business? Maybe you’re looking for ways to free up time in your busy days? Automation is the key! Learn how some simple strategies and tools can help you make better use of your time.  Your business will be more productive and efficient. Some of these time-saving strategies include: Develop […]

92 – Getting Started with Automation

Following on from our episode on the benefits of automation, Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) takes a closer look at how you can get started using automations. First of all, it’s important to decide what would benefit from automation. Some of the key things to look for in tasks are as follows: Is it a repetitive […]

93 – How eInvoicing Will Benefit Your Business

You may have heard that Australia is adopting eInvoicing, a new standard and network to help businesses with their invoicing needs. Larissa Walker, the ATO’s eInvoicing Business Adoption Lead, joins us to raise awareness of eInvoicing and to share information on the many benefits to businesses. When we’re talking about eInvoicing, this isn’t just the […]

94 – Keeping Business Simple

The premise of ‘keep it simple’ has been widely used and helpful for many people in many scenarios. It’s about not overcomplicating things which can leave room for problems to develop. ‘Keeping it simple’ also applies to business. As a business owner, the more complicated you make things, the more steps that you add in […]

95 – Why Tax Refunds are Bad for Business

Getting a tax refund is good, right? Everyone loves a tax refund! But, if this tax refund is for your business, then it may be a sign of trouble! It’s time for a closer look at what is happening in your business. Find out why tax refunds are bad for business in this episode with […]

96 – Standing Tall Through Labour Shortages

Does your business rely on labour? An aging population and falling immigration rates already reduced our labour market and then COVID-19 made staffing challenges that much harder. So how can your business grow and prosper during these challenging times? Paul Cripps from PK People Solutions explores the issues around labour shortages and provides some ideas […]

98 – Data for Business Success

Do you need to know more about your customers or competition? What about trends affecting your industry? Or generational shifts in society? Successful businesses are all about providing great solutions to difficult problems faced by your customers. To make sure you are on the right path, it is crucial to have the right information to […]

99 – Delegation Done Correctly

Delegation can be a great tool for business owners to use – but only if used correctly! Otherwise, employees can feel resentful (“I’m getting the jobs no one else wants!”) or overwhelmed (“This isn’t my job, why am I doing it? I have no idea what to do!”) Raj Nathoo from Keystone Active Learning shares […]

100 – Best Business Advice for Our 100th Episode!

As part of our celebration of our 100th episode, we asked our listeners what topic they would like covered. The consensus was to do a compilation of the best business advice from listeners. So that is what you will find in this jam-packed episode! We heard from business owners and professionals about the strategies that […]

101 – Data Security & the Optus Breach

It’s something that all businesses (and individuals) dread – a data breach. We all know by now how important it is to protect our data. But despite the tools and education available, these data breaches still happen. And sometimes, like the recent Optus breach, they are massive. This incident has led to many important questions […]

102 – Practical Sales

Sales is commonly listed as a problem area for businesses. But where to begin with fixing things? What can you do to improve your sales? Nathan Williams, founder of Customer Return, joins us to look at some of the biggest sales issues faced by businesses including: Developing the right pitch Creating a sales process that […]

103 – Managing Stress as a Business Owner

Running your own business is amazing, right? The freedom, the power, the money – more like, the STRESS! Stress is something that everyone experiences, but for small business owners, it can feel extreme as you try to grapple with every problem imaginable and find solutions to please everyone. It’s an uphill battle that can leave […]

104 – Why Cash Flow is King

Running a successful business is all about the profit, right? While being profitable is the ultimate goal of a business, one of the most important factors (and one of the biggest pain points) is management of cash flow. So what can you do to improve your cash flow? Paul Sweeney from Pretium Solutions explores some […]

Productivity Tools and Gear for your Office/Studio Setup

There are some great tools out there to help your business be more productive and efficient While sales are on, it’s a good time to invest in some equipment for your business. Here are some of the tools that we like. Video and streaming tools: Microphones, webcams and more! Ring lights and accessories: Lighting and […]

105 – When Accuracy is Required

We assume accuracy is beneficial all of the time, but perhaps not always necessary. You can think of situations where accuracy might be sacrificed for speed perhaps, creativity, or just to get the ball moving on a project. Remember the saying by Catherine Carrigan, ‘Perfect is the enemy of done.’ But when is accuracy essential in business? Accuracy […]

106 – How Standard Operating Procedures Can Simplify Your Business

Standard operating procedures (or SOPs) are about making things simpler at work and saving time. The work day is full of so many tasks and it makes sense to keep things as easy as possible. SOPs help you organise and streamline your activities to make the best use of your time. This is especially important […]

107 – Stopping Zombie Spending

Are you guilty of mindless spending at work? Maybe you have cash leaking from your business and you don’t even realise it! Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) explores some of the most common areas where money is wasted: Unused or under-used subscriptions Unnecessary licences Old subscriptions from past employees Automatic renewals These areas are often overlooked […]

108 – Why Do We Make a Podcast for Small Business?

Maybe you’ve been wondering how this podcast came about? A bunch of factors coming together resulted in Paul Sweeney wanting to create a podcast focused on helping small business owners. First of all, Paul comes from a small town where he saw first hand the implications of local businesses succeeding or failing. Success of failure […]

109 – Starting a New Year

Paul Sweeney, the host of The Business Behind Your Business, is back and ready for another exciting year of delving into the world of small business. We are settling into 2023 now with the Australian summer holidays fading into memory and busy routines returning. We are also seeing a push from many businesses to have […]

110 – The Journey From Corporate to Small Business

Are you feeling stuck in the day to day routines of your corporate job? Have you ever dreamed of running your own business? You are not alone! Many people take the plunge into the SME waters – but is it worth it? And is it the right decision for you? If you are thinking about […]

111 – 5 Things to Stop Doing in Your Business

Business owners spend a lot of time thinking about the things they should be doing. What are the latest trends to get on top of? What are the newest tools you need to be using? What are your goals and targets for the year ahead? But few business owners take the time to think about what […]

112 – Why Your Goal Setting is Failing

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut making the same goals for your business every year because these goals are never achieved? Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at how you are setting your goals. Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) explores how goals are developed – and asks the all-important question […]

113 – Changes to Industrial Relations Laws

Did you know that a series of changes to industrial relations laws have been happening in Australia? Some have come into effect in Dec 2022 and others are happening throughout 2023. Many business owners are not aware of these changes. It is necessary for business owners to keep on top of this information – ignorance […]

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