
118 – The Hon Bruce Billson: How ASBFEO helps small businesses

June 27, 2023

We are joined by our special guest, The Honourable Bruce Billson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO). Bruce explains the role of ASBFEO and the different programs and services available to assist small businesses. Helping small businesses with dispute resolution A policy and advocacy space to help small businesses deal with governments […]

117 – Preparing for a New Business Year

June 09, 2023

The end of the financial year is swiftly approaching  – so what does that mean for you as a business owner? What activities do you need to do to set your business up for the best start in the new financial year? There are two types of essential business planning that you should be doing […]

116 – Director Penalty Notices & the ATO

March 30, 2023

If you have a business in Australia, you may have noticed that lately the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is putting a lot of effort into recovering debt from businesses. This is because over the last few years, debt collection had been halted due to Covid and its many issues like lockdowns. We are joined by […]

115 – Melissa Caddick & Ponzi Schemes: Lessons for Investors & Business Owners

March 23, 2023

The Melissa Caddick Ponzi scheme rocked the investment world when it came to light a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, this kind of fraudulent behaviour is nothing new or unusual and we all need to guard against it. Our special guest, Bruce Gleeson (Jones Partners), is the liquidator for Melissa Caddick and has been very […]

114 – Stuart McLeod: From Accidental to Purposeful Entrepreneur

March 15, 2023

Are you curious about starting a business? Do you want to learn more about the SaaS industry? Maybe you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur yourself? Listen in and gain some insight from our special guest, Stuart McLeod, co-founder of Karbon. Stuart has had many experiences as an entrepreneur. He started off in his early […]

113 – Changes to Industrial Relations Laws

March 07, 2023

Did you know that a series of changes to industrial relations laws have been happening in Australia? Some have come into effect in Dec 2022 and others are happening throughout 2023. Many business owners are not aware of these changes. It is necessary for business owners to keep on top of this information – ignorance […]

112 – Why Your Goal Setting is Failing

March 03, 2023

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut making the same goals for your business every year because these goals are never achieved? Maybe it’s time to take a closer look at how you are setting your goals. Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) explores how goals are developed – and asks the all-important question […]

111 – 5 Things to Stop Doing in Your Business

February 22, 2023

Business owners spend a lot of time thinking about the things they should be doing. What are the latest trends to get on top of? What are the newest tools you need to be using? What are your goals and targets for the year ahead? But few business owners take the time to think about what […]

110 – The Journey From Corporate to Small Business

February 14, 2023

Are you feeling stuck in the day to day routines of your corporate job? Have you ever dreamed of running your own business? You are not alone! Many people take the plunge into the SME waters – but is it worth it? And is it the right decision for you? If you are thinking about […]

109 – Starting a New Year

February 09, 2023

Paul Sweeney, the host of The Business Behind Your Business, is back and ready for another exciting year of delving into the world of small business. We are settling into 2023 now with the Australian summer holidays fading into memory and busy routines returning. We are also seeing a push from many businesses to have […]

108 – Why Do We Make a Podcast for Small Business?

December 20, 2022

Maybe you’ve been wondering how this podcast came about? A bunch of factors coming together resulted in Paul Sweeney wanting to create a podcast focused on helping small business owners. First of all, Paul comes from a small town where he saw first hand the implications of local businesses succeeding or failing. Success of failure […]

107 – Stopping Zombie Spending

December 13, 2022

Are you guilty of mindless spending at work? Maybe you have cash leaking from your business and you don’t even realise it! Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) explores some of the most common areas where money is wasted: Unused or under-used subscriptions Unnecessary licences Old subscriptions from past employees Automatic renewals These areas are often overlooked […]

42 – 12 Things That Can Go Wrong When Selecting a Business Structure

When selecting a business structure for a small business, there is a cheap way and an expensive way. The cheap way is to do it right first time – by getting advice from an experienced professional. But the expensive way is commonly disguised as the ‘low-cost’ method. Make sure you consider the real costs of setting a […]

43 – Can Government Grants Really Help Your Business?

You might be surprised to find out just how many different government grants and assistance programs are on offer. Depending on your specific business and the markets you supply to, different grants might be applicable. Is your business leaving cash on the table? By not taking advantage of government grants and incentives which may be […]

44 – Casual Employment Changes – A Good News Story for Employers

Recent amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act) change the workplace entitlements and obligations for casual employees. These changes came into effect on 27 March 2021. In February 2021 (episode 24) Paul Cripps and Philip van den Heever discussed the changes that were in the pipeline for casual employment. Paul Cripps from PK […]

45 – 7 Steps to Take Now to Make Your Next Financial Year Better

The 2021 Financial Year has just finished. For many the results will not be great. We all want it to have a better year coming forward.  So, what do we need to do now? In this episode, Paul Sweeney outlines 7 steps to take now to make your next financial year better. Paul Sweeney Chartered Accountant & […]

46 – 5 Ways to Increase Your Profit

Declining or flat-lining profits (or even profits that aren’t increasing as quickly as you’d like) could be a major red flag for a small business. However, many business owners fall into the trap of doing the same things that worked in the past and hoping to achieve the same or better results – despite the […]

47 – What Should I Be Doing When My Business is Impacted by Crisis?

A lot of these family businesses haven’t properly recovered from the impact of the first round of COVID-19 lockdowns during 2020.  What should you be focusing on as a business owner especially during a second and subsequent periods of COVID lockdown? Bruce Gleeson shares with us what all business owners in crisis or financial difficulty […]

48 – How Content Marketing Can Help Your Business Increase Sales

Learn all about how content marketing can help you grow your business. Join Leanne Shelton from Write Time Marketing as she explores these issues. As a business owner, you may be an expert in your field, but are you also an expert in describing your business, services or products? And how they are going to […]

49 – How Do I Manage Employee Annual Leave During Lockdown?

How do you manage employee leave during a COVID lockdown? If your employees are unable to take leave, how do you as an employer manage the increasing liability for annual leave accruals? Can you force an employee to use their annual leave while your business is in lockdown? Can an employee cash out some of […]

50 – 10 Essential Steps to Take Now if Your Business is in Crisis

In our 50th Episode, Bruce Gleeson is back to share his 10 Essential Steps to Take Now If Your Business is in Crisis. After our last conversation with Bruce, which was only a couple of weeks ago, we discussed “What you should be doing when your business is in trouble”. Some of the feedback we received […]

51 – Paul Murray – Account Kit: From Minimum Viable Product to an Established Business

Paul Murray, founder of AccountKit, shares his experience of the start-up process from an idea, to a minimum viable product, to now having an established business that recently celebrated it’s 5th Anniversary. Paul Murray shares some key lessons for anyone contemplating starting a business or for anyone who has already launched their business. Key points […]

52 – 3 Essential Tools Every Business Needs

Paul Sweeney and Paul Cripps discuss three essential tools that every business needs. Accounting software – accounting (including payroll), bookkeeping, taxation CRM Software – Customer Relationship Management Software Sales Tools – the process where a prospect commits to buying from you Accounting Software Accounting is, as everyone knows, an integral part of operating any business. […]

53 – How Do You Manage Talent When Everyone is Working Remotely?

How do you manage talent when everyone is working remotely? It’s a question being asked by many business owners and managers during these current periods of uncertainty and continued COVID lockdowns. So how do we manage our employees who are working virtually? Harry Nathoo and Paul Cripps discuss how we can achieve this. They suggest […]

54 – How Do You Succeed in Small Business?

How do you succeed in small business? Paul Sweeney shares some of the key steps and tools all business owners should have in place to help them succeed in business. In this episode, we explore how using each of these contributes to running a successful business. Get advice before starting: Business Plan Budget and Cashflow […]

55 – How Much Cash Does Your Business Need?

This week we’re looking at a topic that is very relevant in today’s business climate. Paul Sweeney explores the question: If you are going to survive in small business, it will be necessary to know what your cash needs are going to be, both cash in and cash out. What do you need to consider when […]

56 – Small Business Dads – Daniel Munday

We are joined by Daniel Munday, the host of Small Business Dads podcast and the owner and manager of DPM Performance, who specialise in supporting the fitness needs of people who are 40+ years old. We talk about some of the tools and strategies we use in creating a podcast, plus we discuss the challenges and triumphs […]

57 – Back to Business – Avoiding Deja Vu

The challenges facing businesses just keep piling up. But by being adaptable in your thinking, you can create a better path forward for you and your business. Avoid that sense of deja vu with some solid business planning (and implementation!) Paul Sweeney explores how you can keep your business moving forward once lockdowns end and […]

58 – How to Respond to Customer Hostility

As businesses begin opening up, there is the added responsibility of enforcing the government’s mandate on restricted access to the unvaccinated. Some important questions need to be asked: Are you confident about dealing with potentially aggressive confrontations at work? What training do you or your staff have in handling conflict? What are the benefits and […]

59 – What Does the Future of Work Look Like?

Harry Nathoo from Keystone Active Learning talks about the future of work. The future of work is characterised by rapid and large-scale changes that will affect all industries, in how work gets done over the next decade. This will be influenced by technological, generational, and social shifts. For example, the growing adoption of artificial intelligence […]

60 – The Great Resignation Race

This week, we’re excited to have Paul Cripps (PK People Solutions) back to shed some light on The Great Resignation Race that we’ve been hearing about in the media – and how it will impact Australia. Some reports indicate that between 25% and 40% of people are considering moving on in their jobs. Find out […]

61 – Skills You Need for the Future of Work

Part 2 of our Future of Work series with Harry Nathoo from Keystone Active Learning. What skills will you need to successfully navigate the future of work? The future of work is characterised by rapid and large-scale changes that will affect all industries, in how work gets done over the next decade. This will be […]

62 – Director Identification Numbers

The introduction of director ID will create a fairer business environment by helping prevent the use of false and fraudulent director identities. This will go a long way to better identifying and eliminating director involvement in unlawful activity. Shareholders, employees, creditors, consumers, external administrators and regulators are entitled to know the names and certain details […]

63 – How the Economic Environment Will affect Your Business

How will your business be affected by the events happening in the domestic and global economies? What can you do to prepare your business to take advantage of the opportunities and minimize risk from adverse conditions? Jim Mills from Merit Planning Hills talks about what is happening in the markets and in the economy and […]

64 – Using Technology to Make Your Business More Profitable

Technology is wonderful for business, make no mistake. It helps you deliver a more efficient, consistent and effective outcome. For instance, using technology to improve efficiency with compliance and administrative activities gives you more time and resources to apply to value-producing activities like marketing and sales. But we can also fall into the trap of […]

65 – Document Your Policies and Systems So Your Business Can Grow

Why is documenting your business systems important? Mitch Kenny from Maus Software explores the benefits around having your business processes documented. Some of the benefits include:  Less reliance on a single business owner/manager  Opportunities for scale and growth  Improved overall efficiency Mitch discusses barriers that often prevent business owners from documenting their systems. The myths […]

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