
88 – Maus: Tools to Accelerate Your Business Growth

July 13, 2022

Do you have trouble keeping track of what is going on in your business? Does the idea of business planning leave you feeling overwhelmed? Are you ready to grow your business, but not sure where to start? If any of this sounds familiar, maybe you need an ‘all-in-one’ business tool! Chris Palmer, from Maus Software, […]

87 – Take Control of Your Inventory with Unleashed

July 13, 2022

Do you have a business that buys and sells products? Or do you manufacture products to sell? Or, maybe you are looking at starting a business that will have stock? If your business has inventory, then you need a tool to help you manage your stock and grow your business. If you don’t already have […]

86 – How Knowledge Can Give You a Competitive Advantage

June 28, 2022

What can you do to gain a competitive advantage over other businesses? Raj Nathoo from Keystone Active Learning  discusses how business owners can use the knowledge within their business to its greatest capacity. Some important points that Raj discusses include the following: Identify training needs within your organisation Offer staff training – this helps keep […]

85 – Traps to Avoid this End of Financial Year

June 21, 2022

What traps do you need to avoid this end of financial year? What is the simple strategy behind tax planning? End of Financial Year (EOFY) activities should include, but not be limited to taxation planning. There are some traps that every business owner should avoid at this time of year. So what do you need […]

84 – Intellectual Property: What are your first steps when starting a business?

June 14, 2022

Intellectual property (IP) is frequently overlooked by businesses. But by looking at your IP issues early, when you are setting up your business, you are both protecting your business, as well as adding value to it. André Meyer, founder of Meyer West IP, joins us to take a closer look at intellectual property and the […]

83 – Why Every Business Needs an Exit Strategy

June 07, 2022

So you have just started your business –  why would you want to look at exit planning? Well, the more you focus on having a great exit plan, the more profitable and successful your business will be.  A good business plan is a long-term plan, with both a start and a finish. By planning your […]

82 – Scaling Your Start-Up for Success

May 31, 2022

What’s the difference between a ‘start-up’ and ‘starting a business’?  A start-up is all about scale, it’s about creating a business that is built to grow quickly. We are joined by Meryl Johnston from Bean Ninjas. Meryl looks at start-ups and ways you can scale your business. She also looks at supports for businesses such […]

81 – National Employment Standards

May 24, 2022

Do you understand your employer obligations under the National Employment Standards? Whether you have one employee (even if it’s just you, the business owner) or many, these are rules you must follow, including understanding changes in the past couple of years. Paul Cripps (PK People Solutions) gives an overview of the eleven points of the […]

80 – Turning Your Passion into a Business

May 17, 2022

Are you ready to turn your passion into a business? Sister2Sister pop duo did exactly that when they opened the popular Sister2Sister School of Singing in 2004. They successfully moved from a performance career to balancing running a singing school with being professional freelance, session vocalists. So how did they do it? Learn about the […]

79 – Before You Start Your Business

May 12, 2022

Is being passionate about your product or service enough to warrant starting a business? What about skill or quality – if your product or service is ‘the best’, does that mean you should start a business selling it? A successful business requires more than just passion, skill and an amazing product or service. Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) […]

78 – Should I Start a Business?

April 28, 2022

Do you have a great business idea, but not sure where to start? Are you confused about what you need to do first? If this is you (too many questions and not enough answers) then you are in the right place! Paul Sweeney, chartered accountant and business advisor, explores what you need to know before […]

77 – Law @ Work

April 20, 2022

As a business owner, have you ever avoided getting advice because it was too expensive, then had to fix up a legal problem which cost even more money? Have you turned down opportunities because getting advice was too hard and too expensive? Do you worry about being appropriately covered for risk but not sure who […]

114 – Stuart McLeod: From Accidental to Purposeful Entrepreneur

Are you curious about starting a business? Do you want to learn more about the SaaS industry? Maybe you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur yourself? Listen in and gain some insight from our special guest, Stuart McLeod, co-founder of Karbon. Stuart has had many experiences as an entrepreneur. He started off in his early […]

115 – Melissa Caddick & Ponzi Schemes: Lessons for Investors & Business Owners

The Melissa Caddick Ponzi scheme rocked the investment world when it came to light a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, this kind of fraudulent behaviour is nothing new or unusual and we all need to guard against it. Our special guest, Bruce Gleeson (Jones Partners), is the liquidator for Melissa Caddick and has been very […]

116 – Director Penalty Notices & the ATO

If you have a business in Australia, you may have noticed that lately the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is putting a lot of effort into recovering debt from businesses. This is because over the last few years, debt collection had been halted due to Covid and its many issues like lockdowns. We are joined by […]

117 – Preparing for a New Business Year

The end of the financial year is swiftly approaching  – so what does that mean for you as a business owner? What activities do you need to do to set your business up for the best start in the new financial year? There are two types of essential business planning that you should be doing […]

118 – The Hon Bruce Billson: How ASBFEO helps small businesses

We are joined by our special guest, The Honourable Bruce Billson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO). Bruce explains the role of ASBFEO and the different programs and services available to assist small businesses. Helping small businesses with dispute resolution A policy and advocacy space to help small businesses deal with governments […]

119 – Bronwyn Reid: How Small Companies Can Work Effectively with Larger Ones

As a small business owner, have you ever thought about doing business with large companies and decided it was never going to happen because it was just ‘too hard’ or the differences between your business and theirs were just too great? Find out how to successfully bridge the gap between small businesses and larger businesses. […]

120 – Modern Slavery: What Business Owners Must Know

We are joined by Anna Ruth from Freedom for Humanity for an eye-opening chat about modern slavery.  Freedom for Humanity is an organisation committed to creating a world where human rights are upheld, and all individuals can flourish and thrive. In this conversation we delve into Anna’s profound insights, her passion for human rights, and […]

Meet Up: Thank you to our listeners and guests!

More conversations to help your business grow and thrive We hosted The Business Behind Your Business Meet Up – a fun celebration for our podcast community. All of our podcast guests and listeners have been a special part of our podcast and we wanted to say thank you, plus hear from everyone about their business […]

121 – Amy Bett: Getting control of your cash flow

One of the biggest issues for business owners is managing cash flow. Healthy cash flow is crucial for the success of any business. Cash flow is a term that is often confused with profit. Business owners often say, “My business is busy and profitable, so why don’t I have any money in the bank?” Find […]

122 – Podcast Meet Up: Tips on Revitalising Your Business

We hosted The Business Behind Your Business Meet Up – a fun celebration for our podcast community. All of our podcast guests and listeners have been a special part of our podcast and we wanted to say thank you, plus hear from everyone about their business journeys. It was a great opportunity to network and […]

123 – How Storytelling Connects You to Your Customers

Business owners –  here’s an important question to ask yourselves, “Do my customers actually know what I do for them?” We are joined again by Nathan Williams (Customer Return) to look at this crucial issue – and how the use of storytelling can help bridge the gap in understanding and build your relationship. You can […]

124 – Building Relationships: A Key to Business Success

Knowing your business and providing amazing products or services is only part of running a successful venture. Another crucial aspect of business success is building positive relationships.  From fostering business-to-business ties, to encouraging return customers, to keeping fantastic staff – how you manage relationships is integral to your business. We are joined by Jason Owen, […]

125 – Using Events to Promote Your Business

Events have long been a go-to strategy for businesses aiming to showcase their products or services. However, it’s not uncommon for these efforts to fall flat despite the considerable investments of time, effort, and money. In this episode we address the questions of: How can we turn the tide and make our events successful? How […]

126 – Revitalise Your Business with a Health Check

In general, small businesses are not healthy. Here are some alarming statistics – Australian Small Business and Family Enterprises Ombudsman (ASBFEO) has found that 49% of small business owners make less than average wages, and two out of 5 micro and small businesses are not profitable. Interestingly, there are also businesses who are thriving in […]

127 – 7 Steps to Business Success

What can you do to give yourself the best chance of success in your business? Following on from our last episode on business health checks, Paul Sweeney shares the 7 steps you need to take to create some positive changes in your business. What kinds of outcomes can you expect? Your business will be more […]

128 – How Audit Insurance Can Save You Time and Money

One of the accepted risks of running a business is being audited by the tax department. Nowadays, there are multiple government agencies that you and your business  may need to deal with, apart from just the Australian Tax Office and possible income tax audits. With increased data sharing between government organisations, it has become much […]

129 – Choosing an Accountant for Your Business

What do you need to consider when choosing an accountant for your business? It’s an important decision –  getting the right accountant for your needs can help you build a profitable and healthy business. Here are some key factors to consider: What services does your business need? What are your values? What are the qualifications […]

130 – The Year in Review

The 2023 calendar year has drawn to a close. For many, it was still a year of hangover effects from covid and poorer economic conditions. For many others, it was a year of substantial growth and increased profits. So what set those businesses apart? In this episode, our host Paul Sweeney reflects on some of […]

Highlights from 2023

The Business Behind Your Business has had some incredible guests over the past year. I have been lucky enough to interview people from many different industries and share their stories and insights with our podcast audience.

131 – It’s Not Too Late to Make a Business Plan

What are your business and personal goals for the year? What plans have you made? How will you implement these plans? How will you assess if your goals are being met? If these questions leave you feeling overwhelmed, never fear! It’s NEVER too late to make a business plan. Find out the benefits of making […]

132 – 5 reasons why your business plan can fail

If you watched our last episode, you will have learned that it is never too late to make a business plan. You can also download our Simple Business Plan Template to get started. In this episode, we look at some of the common mistakes business owners make when creating and using business plans. So look out for […]

133 – Strategic Insights: Unveiling the Power of Three-Way Forecasting

In this episode we’ll be exploring the transformative power of Three-Way Forecasting and how it can revolutionize your approach to financial planning and decision-making. Understanding Three-Way Forecasting: What exactly is Three-Way Forecasting? We break down this concept into digestible pieces, explaining how it integrates income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Learn why this […]

134 – Save Your Business Money by Improving Employee Engagement and Retention

Does your business struggle with a constant turnover in employees? This is an issue for many businesses and the cost of hiring and onboarding new employees is high. Or perhaps you have some amazing employees and you want to learn more about how to retain them? We are joined by Paul Cripps from PK People […]

135 – Beyond Credit Cards: Best Alternatives for Funding Your Business

As a small business owner, do you fall back on your business credit card for everything? While using these credit cards is very popular, it’s important to recognise when there are better solutions. We are joined by Jason Smith (Capital Plus Finance) for a frank discussion on how credit cards can be misused by businesses, […]

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