65 – Document Your Policies and Systems So Your Business Can Grow
April 20, 2022
Why is documenting your business systems important? Mitch Kenny from Maus Software explores the benefits around having your business processes documented.
Some of the benefits include:
- Less reliance on a single business owner/manager
- Opportunities for scale and growth
- Improved overall efficiency
Mitch discusses barriers that often prevent business owners from documenting their systems.
The myths and barriers include the following beliefs:
- “It all has to be done by the business owner/manager”
- “It’s too hard to start from scratch”
- “I don’t want to re-invent the wheel”
Mitch looks at some great ways to get your business started in documenting your policies and procedures.
- If a question needs to be asked, there needs to be a procedure written about it
- Platform like Maus/SafeWrite to help (templates – 70-90% of content already written)
Get a free trial of the Maus tools: https://www.maus.com.au/landing/free-trial/
Mitch Kenny has been head of the ISO and Compliance tools at Maus for the past 4 and a half years, helping business owners and managers improve their systems and processes to better comply with their compliance obligations.
Throughout this time, he has helped businesses of all sizes unlock new opportunities through ISO compliance and has learnt about the importance and benefits of documenting internal processes across all businesses.
Now, as Director of SafeWrite, a new brand under Maus Software, he is targeting his focus to helping more SME’s develop and control these process and documents in a way that is efficient, manageable and easy to use.
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