What is unfair dismissal?  Who can apply for it? How does the Commission consider cases before it?

For many employers, unfair dismissal can be a roadblock that prevents them from hiring because they don’t have a good understanding of unfair dismissal and it’s associated risks. It’s useful for businesses to understand which employees can apply for unfair dismissal and what types of things the Commission considers when they hear these applications. If you have a business, it’s important for you to get all of the facts.

Join Philip van den Heever as he explores these important issues around unfair dismissal.

Philip van den Heever is Frank Law’s Business Development Manager and Special Counsel of the Corporate and Commercial Advisory division. He has over 18 years of commercial litigation and employment law experience in both South Africa and Australia.

His deep understanding of corporate and employment law allows him to wisely direct his clients to succeed in their business development.


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