Business Resources You Need
August 20, 2021

The best business resources are here, at your fingertips
We’ve released podcasts on many issues facing business owners. Here is your one-stop shop for all of the resources mentioned in the podcasts, and organised under topics to make them easy to find. If you’d like access to more business resources (and to be assured that you will never miss a podcast episode), then sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Business Recovery
Is your business experiencing financial distress? Do you have good systems in place to help your business recover? If you are looking for guidance on these issues, we have some resources for you.
From Ep 50 Business in crisis – Get the free guide 10 Crisis Management Steps for Businesses in Financial Distress
Cash Flow
How much cash does your business need on hand to be successful?
From Ep 55 How much cash does your business need – Get the free cash flow guide Start Improving Cash Flow Today.
Conflict Resolution
Do you feel confident in your ability to deal with conflict in your workplace?
From Ep 58 How to Respond to Customer Hostility – Find out some great tips for de-escalating conflict from a personal safety professional. The HeadFirst Personal Safety De-Escalation Guide
For many employers, unfair dismissal can be a roadblock that prevents them from hiring because they don’t have a good understanding of unfair dismissal and it’s associated risks. Gain a greater understanding of these issues with these resources.
From Ep 37 Unfair Dismissals –
From Ep 6 Advice and Agreements Essential for Every Business Owner – For all legal issues relating to your business, check out this great service by Frank Law. Business@Work is a legal subscription, offering unlimited, on-demand legal advice that is tailored to your business. Find out more here: @work by Frank Law
Do you have a good understanding of cyber crime and the many implications for your business? We have spent a lot of time looking at issues around cyber security (Episodes 31, 32, 33 and 34) including why cyber security is necessary, cyber insurance and what to do if your business experiences a cyber attack.
From Ep 34 Cyber Security Breaches – Surviving the Rise of Cybercrime: A non-technical executive guide (Australia) by Craig McDonald
Are your website, blog, social media and email all working together to drive more customers to your door? If not, maybe you need to look at your content marketing strategies.
From Ep 48 Content Marketing – ‘Marketing & Me’ podcast –
Human Resources
Do you understand what the recent changes to casual employment laws mean for your business? If not, check out this information.
From Ep 44 Casual Employment Changes –
Have you been managing teams who are working from home? There are many challenges associated with this. Find out some tips to make it better for everyone.
From Ep 53 Managing Talent –
Funding & Grants
We all know you need money to run a business. Check out this great resource developed for small business owners.
From Ep 17 Business Funding – FitsMe – Essential Guide to Business Funding developed by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), in partnership with Scottish Pacific Business Finance. It is full of tips that every small business owner needs.
Business Structures
An essential part of starting a new business is getting the right business structure set up. Find out about the different types of structures (and why it is so important to get professional advice from the start.)
From Ep 42 Business Structures – Business Structures guide
What is RegTech? How does it affect my business? What should I be doing? Get these answers and more.
From Ep 40 – RegTech – Find out about regtech here
Personal Skills & Mindset
Running a business requires a lot from a business owner. And it’s not just time and money invested that can be draining. There are big costs emotionally and psychologically, as well. We have looked at these issues in many episodes (Ep 8, 11, 19, 21, 22, 23, 36). Here are some resources from these episodes.
From Ep 36 Emotional Intelligence –
From Ep 22 & 23 Pillars of Success – Motivational Map Resources – contact Rita Morar to get your resources
From Ep 21 Business Opportunity – Book by Eben Pagan – Opportunity: How to Win in Business and Create a Life You Love
From Ep 19 Personal Goals & Business Goals – 3 Steps to Ensure You Stay on Track
Starting a Business
There is a lot involved in starting a business. It’s important to get support and professional advice early on.
From Ep 28 Starting a Business – These resources listed are relevant to the area where our podcast guest is based (The Hills Shire, Sydney, NSW). Check out your own local government websites for similar types of business resources for your community.
Hills Shire for Business
Demographics Resource Centre
Business start-up blog: So, you want to start a business?
For more information on starting a business, download this free business start-up guide
Selling a Business
The key to successfully selling a business is to have an exit plan. And that exit plan needs to be part of your business planning from the beginning.
From Ep 25 Selling a Business – Great books to support business owners, from start-up to business exit:
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Good to Great by Jim Collins
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed by Brian Tracy
Exit strategy blog: Before you start your new business, think about your exit strategy
For more information on exit planning, download this free Business Exit & Succession eBook
Business Systems
Having good systems in your business will set your business up for success! Find out some tools and strategies to support your business.
From Ep 27 Business Systems – MAUS: Business software made simple The complete Small Business Cloud Management System MAUS Cloud software includes an ‘all-in-one’ suite of cloud-based business apps which can be fully customized to be unique to your individual business. MAUS Business Planning & HR Pack
Business systems blog: Document processes & procedures – so it won’t matter when Joe doesn’t turn up for work
Networking is a great way for small business owners to access support and resources.
From Ep 35 Networking – Check your local government’s website for business networks in your area. This link is for The Hills Shire, Sydney, NSW, where our podcast guest is based.
Business Plans
Business plans aren’t just for businesses starting out – they are a key tool for all businesses. They help you identify specific goals, actions, time frames and results.
From Ep 18 Business Plans – Get real: Business planning reality for small businesses
Business Growth
Is your business ready to grow? Find out how to do it successfully.
From Ep 12 Scaling Your Business – Time to Scale Up