Is being passionate about your product or service enough to warrant starting a business? What about skill or quality – if your product or service is ‘the best’, does that mean you should start a business selling it?

A successful business requires more than just passion, skill and an amazing product or service.

Paul Sweeney (Pretium Solutions) looks at what you need to do before you start a business. How can you make sure you will have customers who will buy your product or service? Who will your customers be? How will you reach them?

The key here is to make sure you do your research, first.

Here are links to the books Paul mentions in the podcast:
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone

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Paul Sweeney Chartered Accountant & Business Advisor, launched Pretium Solutions after a long and successful career in accounting and business advisory. Paul credits his passion for small business with growing up in country NSW, where family-run businesses were the cornerstone of everyday life.

For Paul, the driving force behind The Business Behind Your Business was to make high end, proactive, directed and value-based advisory services available to small to medium businesses.

Paul brings to the table decades of experience as a highly qualified accountant and business advisor at every level of business. Through consulting, coaching and on-the-ground training and operations, his focus is on unlocking the untapped potential for greater profitability. Paul’s qualifications allow him to pair strategic advice with an advanced understanding of taxation and compliance matters.

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